Shipping & Receiving Hours
Monday through Friday 07:00 to 15:00
Pickup & Delivery Appointments
All pickups and deliveries require appointments scheduled at least 24 hours in advance. Appointments must be scheduled via email.
Send appointment requests to: Email Your Appointment Here
Information required to schedule a delivery appointment:
Delivery Appointment Scheduling Requirements
- Origin of the Load
- Broker or shipper name
- Customer or Consignee
- Commodity or type of material
- Equipment type
- Shipping Reference – SHP#, BOL#
- Trucking Company Name and Truck #
- ETA or desired appointment date and time
Pickup Appointment Scheduling Requirements
- Broker or company name if direct
- Destination of the load
- Customer or Consignee
- Commodity or type of material
- Equipment type
- Trucking Company Name and Truck #
- ETA or desired appointment date and time
Yard Rules
Drivers must wear PPE at all times on the property.
- Reflective vest
- Long pants
- Closed toe shoes
- 4″ sleeve
- Gloves
COVID-19 Guidelines
- Practice social distancing standing no closer than 6 feet to another person.
- Wear N95 mask or face covering when out of cab.

Safety Guidelines
- No drivers in the warehouse
- Remain in cab unless loading, unloading, securing or tarping a load.
- When loading or unloading stay where operator can see you.
- Stay on the same side of the trailer as the forklift.
Location Addresses
1050 77th Ave. Oakland, CA 94621
When arriving pull up to the entrance gate during business hours. Wait for gate to open. Follow the white line on the ground to the check in line. Turn off the engine. Put on PPE. Check in at the Dispatch office with required details. Park where instructed. Turn off engine until ready to move.